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Hardest words to pronounce.
Which are on the list?
Tongue twisters are friends of… Well, nobody.
1 | Antidisestablishmentarianism
[an-tee-dis-uh-stab-lish-muh n-tair-ee-uh-niz-uh m]
The sheer amount of syllables make this one very difficult for non-native speakers. However, this word is rarely used these days.
The meaning is “opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England.”
2 | Brewery
You can thank the “w” in the middle of the word for the complication.
As I am sure everyone is aware, it is a place to create beer!
3 | Floccinaucinihilipilification
One must ask how such a word comes into existence. I can’t help but think a few giggles arise every time it is used.
The definition lays in how one develops the habit for estimating things as worthless.
4 | Rural
In actual fact, this word is the reason why I decided to do a short article on the subject as a friend of mine, who speaks excellent English, attempted to pronounce this word.
His effort was highly appreciated and could only be described as “valiant“.
5 | Library
A very common word, but surprisingly difficult to say correctly. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear even native speakers get it wrong!
My tip?
Use your imagination.
Break the words up into two or three parts.
So, if you struggle with the word “dispensation”, then you should tell yourself to say “dispen-sation”.
See! Much easier…
Oliver J. Baxter
Englischlehrer / Englischkurse in Liechtenstein.